Thursday, November 17, 2005

Free online storage space

I was looking for some website that offers completely free online storage space. I use to store some of the most important files I needed in Yahoo briefcase. Although, its convenient, they don't offer much free space. I wanted to backup some important files on my computer so that I don't loose them if my hard disk crashes. I saw this ad on either edealinfo or deals2buy (which BTW are great sites for deals) for -- which is offering 10 GB for free!!!

Well, I did some more research on and I have to say that their offer is not bad. They do offer 10 GB for free accounts, BUT you cannot download more than 100 MB / month and not more than 10 MB per file. We can get over the second limit by things like hjsplit, but.... I don't see many of my important files with size > 10 MB. The paid account (the minimum paid account) is something like $5, which, I think is not a huge amount if you do need to download more than 100 MB sometime. So, for now I keep my files on their free acount and will upgrade to paid one if and when I need to. They have two programs for downloading and uploading whole directory structures, and there are some other third party programs on their site which provides nice interface for streamload. (link) But I found some bugs in streamload uploader.

In general, I don't like to put too much trust on the new players in the market. They all start with offers like streamload but subsequently reduce the disk space or make it paid. This website gives a good comparison of all the sites that provide you with free space for your files.

Well, it would be interesting if someone made a "wrapper" around gmail which will make your gmail account a place to store your files (atleast you will get 1 GB of guarranteed free space, and you can always make more accounts ;-) ). I don't think its very difficult, maybe something similar already exists.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Statistical Information based on Star Signs

Statistics taken from : 15003 Software professionals
From Countries US, China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, UK
Total Software Companies : 980

The following is based only on statistical information and nothing to do about astrology. Though the following proves that the theory of Star Sign true to some extent.

March 21 - Aries - April 19

The software professionals belonging to this star are hard working and sincere. Though they second the Taureans in the hard work they are intelligent in their approach. They tend to display strong leadership, and their extroverted and assertive natures let them lead off the new cycle eagerly. They have humour in their programming style and deepest concern for finishing a project. They are dynamic and active, as befits the beginning of any project cycle. As long as the boss gives them work and good salary they are happy. If the organization is not doing good, they are the first to know about it and they exit immediately.

April 20 - Taurus -May 20

The most hard working people of all the signs. They are among the strongest Signs when it comes to getting things done because of their reliable persistence in moving toward completion of projects. On the other hand, they can be very stubborn and argumentative. Though they are clumpsy at their work they get it dome. They show the deepest respect to their bosses but hate them when they are ordered. They can work just on any platform and language given small amount of learning time. They can withstand failure on any projects but they undergo a little depression. They do not bother how the organization is doing as long as they get good work and good salary. the accomodate to changes very easily.

May 21 - Gemini -June 21

These also flirt here.They talk more than what they know and form very bad programmers. They are fascinated with gathering as much information as possible, and their facility as communicators-both written and verbal-arises from this need. They see the problem earlier than any sign can. They are adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously, and they know how to reason with people, but they may lack follow-through or seem ungrateful. They tend to give management jargons to the young software people around them. They feel jealosy when somebody in their group know more and achieve more then these people. They get their job done by hook or crook. They dont mind getting the work done through somebody and once they get it done they claim the title. They show deep respect for people who help them. They change jobs easily and they fair very well in interviews. The geminis cannot be trusted for more than a year. They are very impractical and cannot get along well with practcal signs like Aries Taurus.

June 22 - Cancer -July 22

The emotional of all signs do posses the management skill more than of a programmer. They can manage projects and they have appreciation for good software professionals. Though they by themselves do not form a good software professional they motivate/demotivate the fellow people along with them. They can argue on any matter easily and win over it either through a
practical approach or emotionally. They play intelligently when given a task. They also like Gemini get the work done through colleagues once they know they are not capable. They are very honest and if they cant do a job they tell you straight in the face. They feel embarassed when they feel they are unable to do, when a colleague can do it easily. They are also jelous when they seen people growing around them. They give a huge try to be on par with everybody. They stay for a long time in a company only if they get more respect than what they

July 23 - Leo -August 23

The creative software profesionals. They know how what works and how to get it done in the shortest time. They show their flamboyance in what ever work they do. Though most of the leos dont prefer Software field at all the ones that are in would not like to be in it. They would prefer to be outside where they can show other talents which they posses. Leos may be arrogant or egotistical, but they are good organizers and tend to be popular and even inspiring. Leo tends to be about self and personal popularity rather than group goals and sharing of ideas. Despite their tendency to patronizingly interfere in others' plans, they are leaders, confident and dignified. Despite their tendency toward bossiness and pretention, the natural leadership of people born under Leo and their administrative prowess helps ensure that their projects are successful. As leaders, Leos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and their natural pride and stubborn streak keep them from giving up. They can be demanding leaders, but they are also generous. The leos could not be generalized as far as their personal behaviour goes. Its upto you to know them whether they can be trusted.

August 24 - Virgo -September 22

Virgo, the sharing mind. They let out whatever they know to others. They grow in a organization easily. Virgo brings their skills and talents together for the good of others.Virgo are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. They are shy and nervous when they want to say something of importance though. They are unable to demonstrate whatever they know. But they are practical and logical, and they're skilled at seeing all sides of a situation. Virgos tend to be about smaller-scale projects and individuals. They are very good at understanding what people are saying beneath the surface words their communication. Detailed and precise, people born under Virgo tend too be neat and exacting, but sometimes petty and overly fussy. At the other end of the scale, some Virgos can be sloppy. They are reliable, practical, and diligent, but they can sometimes seem picky or over-critical to people who aren't as discriminating as they are. The dont tend to do well in projects that requires many interactions and people involvement. Though there are lot of contradictions, the summary is that they can be good at things that are small given a lot of time for implementation. They may worry too much about small details, and they can seem demanding and critical. Their analytical nature and attention to duty can seem like nitpicking or pettiness if the people around them don't understand Virgo's desire for perfection.

September 23 - Libra -October 22
------------- --------------------------------------------

Best people to work with in large scale project activity. They form the best middle level co-ordinators in projects and bring harmony amoungst all. They try to bring justice but can be persuaded by anybody to belong to anyside. They dont have a clear balance in what they do. But when they set a schedule you can be sure that a Libran will succeed in that. They are very demanding as far as the money goes. Its important that a Libran never gets bored, because if he is so he is out of everything. He will not do a single task when his mood is off. Libra's intellectual orientation to the world around them makes them skilled at communication and abstract reasoning, and their intelligence combines with their interest in other people to become an intellectual exploration of the people around them. Because their efforts are mentally rather than emotionally motivated, Librans tend to be very judicial; they are good at diplomacy and compromise. Because they are generally reluctant to face confrontation, people born under Libra learn to be persuasive, courteous, and adaptable. But this may also make them seem cold nd unemotional or manipulative. They are team workers, skilled at cooperative action, but they can also be self-doubting. They are trustable for long times as long as they have good working atmosphere.

October 23 - Scorpio -November 21

The most intutive software professionals. They do not like to be controlled by others and often tend to be the bosses even if they arent one. If things go wrong they just quit. If a project doesnt seem to go well and they are in a tight spot they just abscond and never come back. But if they make their mind ( 8% of the scorpions) they tend to be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have long since gotten bored and abandoned a project, and getting things done when no one else thought it possible. They have their own schedule and they work on it. They are not adaptable to group situations and tend to be what they are. They are very secretive in what ever they do. They are highly vengenful and will strike when somebody stamps their way. But most scorpios are misunderstood on their behaviour. They try to know things around them and are the first to be aware of the technology adaptable. They enjoy competiotion and they never settle for something less then best. They are trustable as long as they have work and happy and they have somebody in the management to care of. But when things go bad the Scorpios can never be trusted , better to lay him off right away if you think he is playing bad.

November 22 - Sagittarius -December 21


The learned Software professional. They learn more than that is required in this field and are the most adaptable folks. They really care little for any project plans and know how to get it changed. Their main desire is freedom in whatever thery do. Given a free hand they do best. They are less co-operative in group and tend to be very pushy. They talk too much before they think and always fail at critical times. They are eager in getting things started and they jump so quickly and if they fail they fail quickely too. They like one-to-one challenges and are driven away by group when they try a blunt talk. The come back to the group after a fight sulking but needing. The great love for knowledge makes them more learned They are trustable as long as they think that they are learning in the current organization. They would go away in a flash if they feel that they can learn more elsewhere.

December 22 - Capricorn - January 19
Capricorns are practical and overambitious. The are down to earth when they want to get things completed. They are practical realistic and cautious when they schedule something. They have the highest determination for success, they view each project as a block for their success and less bothered about the project itself. They can also be rigid and unforgiving when others stand in their way. Their organizational ability combines with their diligence to help them achieve, but they can be narrow-minded and over-critical of people not as ambitious as they are. Capricorn would work hard and hard just for his personal success and not for his satisfaction, which is just the oppsite in case of a taurus. They are dependable and serious, never giving up on their goals. Other people may see their ambition as domineering or a reflection of egotism,but they are patient and purposeful when working toward what they want. Sometimes they may be overly critical, even bossy, but this is due to their strong desire to achieve their goals and not to a esire to be rude.

January 20 - Aquarius -February 18

Hard working, and get things done just for the organization. They are very good at group projects and form a good co-ordinators. They can be opinionated, and they work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. They get to know the technology around them and would discuss with the people around. But since they stick to what evr they think is right sometimes this makes them go away from the group and they keep aloof. The are trustable and would stick on for a long time given the right kind of people around them .

February 19 - Pisces -March 20

The people who are just meant to work only in group. Ther are selfless and do it as you require. They most important thing to be put in them is the "focus" since they get out doing something when they loose interst. All signs take adavantage of Pisces for their work because would like all other to make use of his abilities. Though they are not intellectuals they are very broad minded and good thinkers. Very trustable as long as they are not abused too often by their colleagues.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Random Quote for your website

Finally, after procrastinating this for years (I am great at procrastinating small things) - I finally coded it up. To cut the long story short, whereever you want a random quote to appear on your webpage, just cut and paste these lines there:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

To see how it looks, go to my homepage. If you use it, please send me an email (or leave a comment to this post) with your website link.

Q: I want a feature X
A: Email me and I will try to help

Q: Your quote base is great. I have some nice quotes and I want to add them to yours
A: Great! Thanks. Send them to me, I will be happy to include them

Q: Your quotes are junk. I want to put random quotes on my website using my own quotes collection
A: Ok, contact me and I will send you the source code and (maybe) help you set it up on your website and stuff.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yahoo Mail! Folder Download

Last night, I was trying to find something with which I can dowload some 300+ messages from Yahoo Mail to a local disk. I tried googling for it and found nothing (well, read on..). So I made myself this small java program that can download all the messages from a yahoo mail folder to local files. Really simple and small program. But today, just before writting this blog entry I again went to google and found YahooPOPs, which in turn uses FetchYahoo!, which exactly gives you the same functionality (I guess)! #*#@(* Why do I always end up re-inventing the wheel ?!

Anyways, I think I will put the program on the web for people to use. Maybe, because the program I wrote is realy simple to use, some people will still like to use it! :-) (Atleast I will)

Saturday, June 11, 2005


A friend just remarked that I am obsessed with Grey color. Well, if I think about it maybe it is true. I normally like grey shirts (and now I have stopped buying anything thats grey because I have lots of grey stuff). The last three websites that I made were mostly grey:
If I think, I am surrounded with grey things.

Mental note: No more grey.


I am nowadays in Seattle, WA doing internship in I started here on May 16th. Well, this is a great experience for me. I am living right in the heart of Seattle downtown. After living in West Lafayette (Purdue) for 2 years, this place sure looks like heaven (ahem).

Working in Amazon is cool. I am afraid I might like this place too much (hint, hint).

Last to last week, I purchased the Seattle citypass and visited all 6 places -- Seattle Zoo, Pacific Science Center, Space Needle, Argosy tours, Aquarium and Museum of flight. Till now I have watched 4 movies in here (The lastest one -- Mr and Mrs Smith, on the first day of its release. It's a must watch movie). You can check out my pictures (Seattle zoo, Musuem of flight, space needle and pacific science center)

(I Hope I will update this blog more often)

Monday, March 28, 2005

My experiment with browsers

Somes days ago (Feb 1, 05), I wrote an email to my ex-classmates about browsers. I guess I first got the idea of creating my blog after this email. Here it is:

I was always looking for a good browser. In IIT, mostly I used IE (some experiments with Netscape but switched back to IE). Main reason: Most of the pages are written for IE out there. Also, with things like google toolbar n all, IE was a natural choice for me then. Right after coming here, I tried a couple of other browsers. I again tried non IE browsers like netscape but was quick to switch back. Then I tried this new browser - MyIE2 (now its name is Maxthon). This browser was great, because in a sense it extends IE. So it uses IE core engine (that means the pages will show up exactly similar to what they show up in IE). Plus I can use all the IE juiced up apps like google toolbar n all.

I wasn't so excited about features like tabbed browsing and mouse gestures (etc. etc. etc.) until I used Maxthon. But after using Maxthon for couple of hours, I was not just excited but I cudn't live without these features now. For people out there who are still using IE and are really status quo above switching browsers, try maxthon (for atleast 1-2 days). You will never switch back to plain IE again. Yeah, but thats a personal opinion, like everything else in this mail.

Until recently, I was quite happy with Maxthon. Then one day I thought of giving Firefox a try. As most of you will know there is much hype about firefox. It has taken away some market share from IE (after almost 10 yrs of monopoly, yeah IE still has monopoly (>90%), but atleast its a start; also dont forget that firefox is not so old ... the stable version was released just a while ago). So after reading so many stories, I gave firefox a try - (4-5 days ago) and now I will never switch back to IE (or Maxthon for that matter).

So here is my religion conversion mail for you :-)

First, the best thing (according to most of the reviews abt firefox) about firefox is open source. Yeah, there is much debate about M$ vs open source etc. etc. and well frankly I dont give a s*** as long as I am getting "good stuff"

Most of the reviews on net give one reason why firefox is better than IE - security. Well, firefox does have more control over security policies then IE. But more secure ? I really dont know (or maybe I do, but just dont want to force my personal beliefs, I dont know it for a fact). But one thing is there -- as firefox has much much smaller market share then windows, the chances of somebody exploiting a security hole in firefox is very very very less ;) (and most of the "moms and dads" out there are using IE -- so easier to fool them, most of the virus/worm writters will target a browser which will spread maximum damage)

The best thing I like about firefox is the entensions part. The basic browser comes with the bare minimum features (no mouse gestures!! :O ).. But you can download and install extensions from net. And as its open source, the number of extensions are infinite (appox ;) ).. people are writting extensions for each and every thing. And writting an extension for it urself isn't tooo difficult either. If you ask me one reason why I use firefox - extensions will be it.

Here are the current extensions I have installed on firefox (so if you want to give firefox a try, atleast install some of these from, there are other unofficial sites on net which has a lot more extensions for firefox)

First the most imporart extension:

  • Bookmark Synchronizer: Dont you ever want that your bookmarks should be same on all machines that you use ? (office, home, friend ?, laptop, windows, mac, linux). Yeah! right ! This extension does exactly this. It can upload and download your bookmarks from a ftp/http/https server (manually with two clicks or automatically on change). There are couple of other nice features. Also, I like to keep a (updated) links page on my homepage. This software uploads the bookmarks in xml format, so boom! I wrote a xsl and stylesheet for this xml file and I have a webpage that is automatically updated using my browsers bookmarks!! (well, if you want to do the same for IE kind browser, use VB Bookmark Wizard -- really nice software, creats a html links page from the template you provide). You can goto my links page on my homepage. Also, I just tried out this whole xml, xsl thing so the page isn't very cute :). And because IE doesn't implement some css specifications, so this page doesn't look very pretty in IE. Try using firefox/mozilla/netscape to view it (yeah the fav icons ! they get updated automatically too!). So, now firefox on all my machines (my office windows machine, my mac laptop, my home windows machine) and my web page has one common folder which is always synchronized with each other. (yeah ofcourse, I have some "private" bookmark folders on my home computer which I dont want to appear in my office browser).
  • All-in-one gestures: Allows you to use mouse gestures for common and some very very very advanced and useful commands. It also has rocket naviagation, I really liked this one, it was missing in Maxthon. Also the number of commands you can execute (even some hidden commands) are unbelievable. You have to check it out, and mouse gestures takes around day or two to get used to, but once you use them, there is no turning back.
  • ForecastFox: Gets weather forecast from and display it any toolbar or status bar. The best thing is you can customize what is displayed and how it is displayed. (like I added "feels like" temp to display.. its chilly and windy out here in Indiana :) ).
  • Foxytunes: Yeah everyone listens to music while surfing. and yes, you can switch to your fav music player and change songs n all. But this extension adds a toolbar in firefox which can control any (ok ok.. most of) player from firefox. Also, displays the song title in firefox. Yeah, I agree this is a bit of luxury, but if some of you are using iTunes (in windows), you will really like this. (Why I use iTunes is completely different story -- I bought a iPod :) )
  • SessionSaver: Saves your sessions (tabs, history). So when you close your browser and reopen it. EVrything is exactly the same -- the tabs that were open and even the history inside them (back/forward wali history :) ).. Maxthon also has similar option, but it doesn't save history.
  • Other things that I currently have on my browser: Linky, Tab clicking options, ... etc try them out.. some really nice and handy features.

Other than extension they have theme (skin) support too. Try out Noia 2 theme atleast. Its cool! Maxthon also has skin support.

[There are lots of other good things about it (RSS etc. etc.) But, I dont think I have enthu to write about them now :-)]

Ok, I think thats it. Was really excited. Just completed modifying the xsl/stylesheet for the links xml file ( .. try using some good css compliant browser to view it, not IE, IE doesn't show up xml embedded fav-icons). So just wanted to share my excitement with you guys. I am even thinking of writting one extension for firefox myself.

One small thing: I did have problems with some (very few.. I think just 1) IE-only pages. Had to use IE to open those. But, with firefox's growing popularity, I think people will start paying more attention on "industry standands" and not on "ok this somehow works in IE, good, put it on".

My First Post

Finally, my first blog and my first post!

Why I created this blog? Organise my thoughts ? Show-off ? Share knowlegde? I dont know. Maybe because I don't want all those nights I spend learning something to go waste. If not me, atleast someone should benefit from it.

And yes, why the name? No, its not random. There IS a story behind it. Maybe someday I will write about it. Maybe not.

Here's a list of things about which I want to write in this blog:
  • Computers (ofcourse)
  • Internet
  • Applications (right now, I am dying to write about firefox)
  • Philosophy (and God)
  • ...

Fitbit Versa sync issues with Pixel 2 XL (after Android Pie 9.0 update)

If you are like me and thousands of others , you bought a brand new Fitbit Versa and Android flagship phone (Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, ...